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Events and highlights

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12 articles

15 November 2024

Talk on pandemic preparedness by infectious disease expert Professor Zhang Wenhong

Prof Zhang Wenhong delivered a talk on pandemic preparedness, on 15 November 2024.Events and highlights
Prof Zhang delivering his talk
21 November 2023

International team studies bats to make advancements in our understanding of human ageing and disease resistance

‘BATPROTECT’, a project led by Professor Emma Teeling from University College Dublin, has been awarded €11.9 million by the European Research Council (ERC) Synergy Grant to investigate the genetic and biochemical factors that enable bats to resist diseases and live longer and healthier lives.Events and highlights
Group photo between International Advisory Panel members
29 September 2023

1st China-Singapore Experts Workshop on Pandemic Sciences, 20-21 September 2023

As part of joint efforts to strengthen scientific collaborations, the National Research Foundation, Singapore (NRF-SG) and the Ministry of Science and Technology, China (MOST-CN) are supporting a series of joint workshops on global challenges such as health and sustainability.Events and highlights
Group of workshop attendees posing for a formal photo
15 September 2023

PREPARE International Advisory Panel (IAP) Review Meeting, 11-13 September 2023

During the three-day meeting, the IAP and PREPARE Executive Committee (EXCO) focused on the progress made by the PREPARE Co-Operatives and Cores over the past year, with the IAP providing valuable feedback and advice on PREPARE’s future directions.Events and highlights
Dinner with PREPARE IAP and EXCO, hosted by former Chief Health Scientist Prof Tan Chorh Chuan
9 June 2023

Inaugural workshop to strengthen regional collaboration in detection technologies for surveillance and diagnostics during peacetime

PREPARE has partnered Temasek Foundation (TF) to run the TF Research, Engagements and Alliance for Diseases caused by Infections (READI) Programme, with the aim of building strong relationships with our regional partners for impactful collaborative research to better prepare and respond to future pandemics. The PREPARE – TF READI Programme comprises a series of workshops held in Singapore that aims to build a portfolio of projects of interest for potential regional research collaboration.Events and highlights
Regional and local participants of the inaugural PREPARE-Temasek Foundation READI Workshop
13 March 2023

A Global Strategy to Develop Broadly Protective Vaccines Against the Coronaviridae Virus Family

On 21 February 2023, the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota released the Coronavirus Vaccines Research and Development (R&D) Roadmap (CVR), with the ultimate goal to generate a broadly protective vaccine against species and strains of the Coronaviridae virus family. The CVR will serve as a global strategic planning tool to facilitate R&D, coordinate funding, and promote stakeholder engagement. The CVR development was led by CIDRAP, with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and The Rockefeller Foundation.Events and highlights
Infographic describing the coronavirus and problems with exising vaccines
22 September 2022

PREPARE International Advisory Panel (IAP) Seminar

PREPARE organised a Seminar featuring its International Advisory Panel (IAP) members in a series of talks, concluding with a panel discussion, on their respective experiences in fighting through epidemics, past and present.Events and highlights
PREPARE International Advisory Panelist sharing her experience during Covid-19 in a online meeting
21 September 2022

PREPARE International Advisory Panel (IAP) 1st Review Meeting

PREPARE held its inaugural International Advisory Panel (IAP) Review Meeting at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID), over two days from 21 – 22 Sep 2022. Formally appointed in August 2022, the IAP was convened to provide guidance to PREPARE on its epidemic preparedness and response research strategy and implementation plans.Events and highlights
Virtual meeting between PREPARE programme office and a woman
8 July 2022

Delegation visit from Victoria State Government, Melbourne, Australia

PREPARE was delighted to be featured during a recent delegation visit by representatives of the Victoria State Government in Australia to the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID), Singapore. Prof Leo Yee Sin, Executive Director of NCID and PREPARE’s Steering Committee Member, met the Honorary Jaala Pulford, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy on 8 July 2022 along with Senior Leaders from NCID.Events and highlights
Twitter post describing the delegation visit to the National Centre for Infection Diseases
13 April 2022

Discussion Workshop on: Promoting Visibility, Interaction and Collaboration in Scientific Research of Environmental Transmission, Surveillance and Mitigation

The Institute of High Performance Computing (A*STAR-IHPC) and the Programme for Research in Epidemic Preparedness and Response (PREPARE) jointly organised a discussion workshop on 13 Apr 2022 via Zoom. It was aimed to promote visibility of PREPARE Co-operative programmes, in particular the Environmental Transmission and Mitigation Co-operative, to grow talent in environmental transmission, surveillance and mitigation, to promote interaction and networking amongst research performers in these fields, and to identify challenge statements (gaps and capabilities from the breakout sessions) for the upcoming grant calls.Events and highlights
Infocards on the speakers for the event